Huniepop 2 naked

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Her idyllic future is to become a 1950s-style traditional housewife and make her husband (if the Player is male) or wife (if the Player is female) happy. Polly is a classy girl who absolutely believes she was born in the wrong decade.

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You're gonna need it!' - Kyu via Hunie Direct - Aug 2018 video. Also, she has a dick! So you better pack some extra lube in that carry-on. She even has her own online beauty channel with like tons of viewers. She's kinda obsessed with stereotypically girly things like fashion and makeup. She's a very classy and traditional lady that dreams of someday being the perfect housewife. 'Polly is by far the most requested type of character we've ever had. Along with the headband she wears chunky, light pink, triangle shaped, dangle earrings, a turquoise leotard with a red and yellow shooting star design, a pink, off-the-shoulder, three quarter length, crop top with a yellow and silver 80's textile design, black arm warmers, and thin, black tights. Polly's default outfit is modeled after 80's clothing. Her makeup consists of pink eyeshadow, blue eyeliner, strawberry colored lipstick, and baby pink nail polish.

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Polly has a thin, toned body, with moderately sized breasts. She has light skin with a beauty mark on her right cheekbone, turquoise eyes and permed, dyed, blonde hair swept up in a pink headband.

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